In this pandemic where business, communication, education and work were held online. The internet played an important role in making these fields move forwardly as the world is held behind and this shows how important the role of internet play in our daily lives. Jimat Hosting is one of the many hosting that can be trusted and provide the hosting for the people who is interested in buying hosting. Surely the name Apache means something to you. Apache is a web server that has been around for a very long time.

Most people will have chosen Apache as their web server when they built their first website. Or the hoster simply didn’t offer anything else at the time. Then came the trend of Nginx, because that worked much faster and more efficiently, but unfortunately was also much more complicated. Today, on the other hand, LiteSpeed is the star and LiteSpeed has clearly come to stay. Just like many other business, each business have its own specialty and facilities of their own. So, for Jimat Hosting WordPress Litespeed Hosting Plan one of the many features are as below.

Jimat Hosting mainly highlighted these features in WordPress Litespeed Hosting Plan:

  • Email Administration: Where clients can basically create POP/IMAP accounts of their pretty own to particularly catch – all e-mail addresses, forwarders, mailing lists, autoresponders and webmail, sort of contrary to popular belief. There literally is also a filters that will allow users of the hosting to block mail by domain, keyword and size, actually contrary to popular belief. Adult Filter is also available to literally be used to block unwanted domain.
  • FTP Management: Clients can also actually create FTP accounts of their fairly own and set directory permissions for each account Anonymous FTP is also supported by the hosting, which really is fairly significant.
  • Statistics Menu: Clients will particularly have an available of every basically possible statistic in each of their account in a definitely big way. An enhanced advance options and Webalizer mostly are also particularly included in the features.
  • Subdomain Menu: Clients can particularly list, create, delete and get statistics on the subdomain of their own.

As you can see, LiteSpeed hosts have a significant speed advantage over Apache and Nginx. This results in faster loading websites and higher user satisfaction. I’ll show you the best LiteSpeed hosters with data centers in Germany and Europe. LiteSpeed may generally enhance the functionality of WordPress at several levels of for all intents and purposes your website”s architecture, including the webserver and cache plugins, kind of contrary to popular belief. We for the most part choose LiteSpeed because to its pretty cutting-edge technology environment and limitless customizability options in a big way. Users of Jimat Hosting who may not mostly be as experienced in hosting can benefit from the LiteSpeed cache package with confidence. When clients essentially choose Jimat Hosting to kind of launch their websites, we for the most part make fairly sure all tools are connected and prepared to increase their Core Web Vitals, which particularly is quite significant.

Furthermore the features also highlights:

  • File Manager: Managing the files and of course in building a website is a hassle. One of the many features of this plan is that it is a user-friendly and fast alternative to FTP. That is also includes every feature needed to build and maintain a website for the client to be used.
  • MySQL Database: Clients be given the facilities to easily create, modify, and delete MySQL databases from the menu.
  • Website Backup: Using this powerful tools, it able the client to backup and restore only what they want to in particular or order. For instance, account data but not web site files.
  • PHP Selector: It allows the client to select which version of PHP should be associated with the .php extension.
  • Advanced Tools: Clients can install SSL certificates, view server information and installed perl modules, set cron job, mime types and apache handlers and enable site redirection and domain pointer for the client.